Kundalini Yoga Library for Amy Delcambre

Kriya to Strengthen the Abdominal Center/Meditation to Create Self-Love
This 60-minute class includes an 8-exercise kriya focused on the core/abdominal center/core. Do this kriya regularly to see your abs get strong! This all-levels class ends with a 6-minute meditation to create self-love. This video was filmed during a live class.  Dynamic/More Physically Challenging Set


Kriya to Open the Heart/Meditation to Open the Heart
This 60-minute class includes a 6-exercise kriya to open the heart based on my book “Headstart for Happiness.” The class ends with a 3-minute meditation to open the heart. This class is particularly recommended for Enneagram Leader (8)s. This video was filmed during a live class. Heart-Opening Set.