Virginia Watkins

Name: Virginia Watkins


Lives in: Piedmont in the San Francisco Bay Area, California, USA


From: I was born in Charlotte, North Carolina, and my mom and stepdad still live in the same house where I grew up.


Job: I am a Non-Diet Nutrition Educator and Intuitive Eating Coach. I support women and families who want to build a healthy relationship with food and their bodies without dieting.


Tell us your first three jobs (ever!): At the age of 9, I sold gyros and baklava from our friend’s Greek restaurant stand at an arts fair each spring! When I was 19, I worked as a house cleaner in Sun Valley, Idaho, and realized after a few weeks that I needed a different summer job so I found a job as a baker in a coffee shop. Before my early shift started, I practiced sun salutations before sunrise, when the moon was still shining. After moving to San Francisco, I was hired at the American Institute of Wine & Food, founded by Julia Child and Robert Mondavi, where I met leading chefs, producers, and food historians from all over the world. One of my best memories from this job is two-stepping in a Texas honkytonk with a Turkish olive oil producer we were hosting for an olive oil event.


Zodiac sign: Gemini


Enneagram type: Type 1, the Perfectionist.


What do you love about Greece?  I love how the fruit sellers on the side of the highway in Crete offered us their homemade spirits in a paper cup even though it wasn’t even noon. The sunset over the sea in Stavros is the most beautiful I’ve ever seen. Taking Lynn’s rooftop yoga class during our vacation was a highlight.


Tell us something most people don’t know about you: When I was about 9-years old I discovered that I could put my legs behind my head and my older sister would spin me around like a turtle on its back. Later on, I did this in yoga class, minus the spinning turtle part.


Where we are most likely to find you in Lynn’s Kundalini Yoga? Live-stream classes since I’m so far away. I was also in a Mastermind group with Lynn for over a year, which helped me relaunch my nutrition practice and cultivate more play, creativity, and self-compassion. 🙂


The first time you tried Kundalini Yoga? Eugene, Oregon in 1997 with my colleague named Christine. We both worked in a small bread bakery. I remember having a delightful headrush after that class but didn’t rediscover Kundalini yoga until two summers ago when Lynn introduced me to her Youtube videos.


Tell us your top tip to combat climate change: Walk or bike more


Anything else you’d like us to know?: If you have any nutrition questions or want to know more about intuitive eating, please message me at, visit my website or follow me on Instagram @virginiaswatkins