Name: Nancy Markow
Lives in: Morrison, Colorado, USA
From: I lived in New Jersey (USA) for the first 19 years of my life. Guided by intuition, at 19, I bought a one-way ticket to Denver, Colorado. I arrived with two suitcases, no plan, and no contacts. By the grace of God, I was able to rent a car and my journey began. I found my home and 45 years later, I am still “growing up.”
Occupation: I am retired and focused on contributing to the greater good; giving back and sharing what I have learned so far. In 2008 I created a platform called “Connecting You with YourSelf” and presently, I use it to joyfully host weekly Intentional Living Circles, (with an Enneagram specific focus once a month), multi-level yoga-meditation experiences, with Enneagram wisdom weaved in, five days a week, and special intensive learning experience called Empowered Living Intensive (it runs 12 weeks in intimate groups of six). All experiences are free (because I can), via Zoom, with all expenses covered by inspired donations. Find out more at
Tell us your first three jobs (ever!): At 14 years of age I worked as a mother’s helper for a family with three children, the youngest had special needs. My next job at age 16 was at a fast-food restaurant, and my next job, at age17, was in a butcher department at a local grocery store (this experience confirmed my decision to be a vegetarian, now vegan).
Zodiac sign: Cancer
Enneagram type: I see the patterns of type 2 in me.
What do you love about Greece? I have never been to Greece and hope to visit one day. I am open to suggestions for the best places; less touristy and most meaningful preferred. Of course, I am eager to meet Lynn, and experience a live yoga class with her; spend time in her little oasis.
Tell us something most people don’t know about you: I have a worm farm – the worms eat our vegetable scraps and turn them into incredible soil for our garden and the growing of more food.
Where we are most likely to find you in Lynn’s Community? : I connect through technology, enjoying Lynn’s monthly newsletters, blog posts, and Youtube creations. And I try to help her find panelists for her Enneagram series whenever possible. 🙂
The first time you tried Kundalini Yoga?: I honestly don’t recall. Exploring various yogic ideas and practices has been a favorite focus for me for over forty years. My everyday practice combines many different approaches but not Kundalini yoga.
Tell us your top tip to combat climate change: Ask yourself “what can I do to support a healthier planet?” – take the effort to ensure your finances-investments are supporting a future for people and the planet, be curious about everything you buy and how it affects the planet from its beginning to end, look for planet supporting choices, think twice before throwing anything in the trash – especially food – compost (a worm farm is easy – reach out if you are interested), walk, ride your bike or use mass transit whenever possible, ask questions and resist being “normal.” Share what you know and learn with others when possible.
Anything else you’d like us to know?: Family is precious and vital for me. My husband and I experience pure joy from time with our kids and grandkids. I am passionate about increasing self-awareness, awakening, and living with purpose – sharing assistance, connection, and friendship.