Marta Dragovic

Name: Marta Dragovic


Lives in: Malmo, Sweden


From: Belgrade, Serbia


Job:  I work as a Loyalty Communications representative in IKEA. This is a marketing role for the loyalty program. I started 1.5 years ago and ended up moving from Serbia to Sweden right before the pandemic hit!


Tell us your first three jobs (ever!): I worked in Human Resources as an intern at an HR consultancy firm, then I worked as an intern doing marketing for L’Oreal.  And then I began my first full-time professional job as a brand manager for a Greek pharmaceutical company.


Zodiac sign: Aquarius


Enneagram type: Type 9, the Peacemaker


What do you love about Greece:  So many things… I love the warmth of the people, the amazing food, the vivid colors of the landscape. I was enjoying a holiday in Barcelona last year but my mind kept wandering to Greece.  I just feel so at home here!


Tell us something most people don’t know about you: I have a dream to open an art gallery one day.  🙂


Where we are most likely to find you in Lynn’s Kundalini Yoga?  In Ikaria enjoying the Ikaria Surf+Yoga holiday!


Tell us your top tip to combat climate change:  Consumer less overall and become more mindful of your consumption. It can be as simple as using less water, unplugging things, walking instead of driving. But if we all become more careful, it adds up!


Anything else you’d like us to know?  No, but I hope to meet more of you in person during my next visit to Greece. 🙂