Margarita Alexopoulou

  1. Name:  Margarita Alexopoulou
  2. Lives in:  Kalithea, Athens
  3. From: Athens, Greece
  4. Job/Occupation:  Sales Secretary
  5. First three jobs (ever!):  Telemarketing, Playground Monitor, Secretary
  6. Zodiac sign: Scorpio
  7. What do you love about Athens or Greece in general:  Sunsets by the sea.  🙂
  8. Tell us something most people don’t know about you:  I think people see me as calm and happy but I can actually get really angry, and I lose my patience more than I like to admit…  🙂
  9. Where are we most likely to find you in the Lynn’s Kundalini Yoga community?  Swaha classes, Enneagram parties, and the Kundalini Yoga boat cruises.
  10. When was the first time you tried Kundalini Yoga?  Almost six years ago with Lynn on the Acropolis Roof Deck
  11. Anything else you’d like us to know?  I love traveling, cycling, going to concerts and to theaters! And I’m very open to suggestion so I really appreciate any advice you might have about any of those things! 🙂