Name: Kallia Trova
What city and country do you live in?: Athens, Greece
Where are you from (where were you born and where did you grow up)?: I was born in New York, and I grew up in Florida!
Occupation: I am a Junior Art Director for a digital marketing firm, and I am becoming an entrepreneur in the creative world by re-branding and building beautiful websites for all wellness businesses.
Tell us your first three jobs (ever!): 1. Office Assistant in a doctors office (age 15)
2. Sales Associate at Victorias Secret (age 16)
3. Hotel Concierge on the beach (age 18)
Zodiac sign?: Scorpio-Libra Cusp
Enneagram type (if you know it): 11? Not sure haha
What do you love about Greece? I am half Greek, therefore it is in my blood to love this place. Athens has so much going on all the time, with the incredible history surrounding you on a day-to-day basis. I love the islands the most; I know there are so many other more creative things to love about Greece, but her islands can really renew a person with how much abundance there is in nature. She recharges me and makes me feel so alive, from the good food to being surrounded by her deep blue waters.
Tell us something most people don’t know about you: I am deeply afraid of swimming near, above or around boats, no matter the size.
Where we are most likely to find you in Lynn’s Kundalini Yoga (i.e. SUP Yoga, night yoga, etc.) : The Monday Kundalini classes at 3HO!
The first time you tried Kundalini Yoga ? In Florida around 2013. My mother was into it, and I found it totally weird the first time.
Tell us your top tip to combat climate change: consume LESS.
Anything else you’d like us to know?: Almost five years ago I discovered yoga and began the journey within. I am constantly inspired on how to better myself and in turn, the world around me. I’ve become a total health enthusiast and have taken up the interest in obtaining an Ayurvedic kitchen. My intention is to inspire others to lead a healthy life. I stumbled upon the idea of combining my love for health and Ayurveda with my skills in design, product development to be more exact. I am working to add a new beverage to the Greek market! My focus is on something healthy, organic, all local and affordable for people living in and traveling to Greece to enjoy. I am conducting my research and would love for those who are living here to participate in my survey. You can also share this survey with your Greek friends! The more answers, the better. Thank you so much for your help!