Name: John Moe
Lives in: Portland, Oregon in the United States
From: I was born on a farm in the Midwest of the United States. The town was called Grafton, North Dakota.
Occupation: I’m now retired, but I was a contractor and real estate investor.
Tell us your first three jobs (ever!): First of all farming and mowing lawns as a kid. Then I worked at a gas station. Then I started working construction.
Zodiac sign: Cancer
What do you love about Greece: I really love the food, the friendly people, and all the beautiful sites to see.
We love coming to Sparta to participate in the Spartan Race. It’s such a historic place to compete!! Fun being in an international group of people. I ran the Spartan Race with the “last minute” encouragement of my son, especially since I’m at the age of 73. It’s the first Spartan Race I’ve ever done. Happy to have a medal at the same time as my son. And to do it in Greece was amazing!!
Tell us your top tip to combat climate change:
Stop spending so much, and stop buying so many things online. The delivery process and pollution created must add to the problem. In the city they run trucks to deliver one little thing to your house. Then a different truck to deliver something to your neighbors. It’s crazy
On a larger level, invest in expanding the energy grid to solar wind and wave energy.
Tell us something most people don’t know about you:
I always dreamed of being a race car driver.
His wife Sally says “This doesn’t surprise me since it’s hard to ride with John driving since he goes so fast and drives close to the car in front of him!!!!”