Criss Cuervo

Name: Criss

Lives in: Riverdale, New York City

From: I was born in Venezuela to Colombian parents. I grew up between Valencia, Venezuela, and the US (Texas and Illinois). For the last six years, I’ve been living in Spain and recently came back to the US.

Occupation: I am the Partnerships Manager at Cloud Sangha. I’m also an author of a book called Pertenæcer: Eight-Week Mindfulness and Meditation Training and Practices for Latinx Immigrants in the United States. And I’m a coach/consultant on mindfulness for Latine.

Tell us your first three jobs (ever!): First I was a babysitter, then a server at Fuddruckers Restaurant, and then a sales associate at The Limited.

Zodiac sign?: Leo

What do you love about Greece: The history and the beaches!

Tell us something most people don’t know about you: I am the youngest of three children and the only one that has lived far from my family for most of my adult life.

First time you tried Kundalini Yoga? More than 15 years ago in Miami beach.

Tell us your top tip to combat climate change: Recycle and shop for food mindfully (buy less processed food to cut back on the packaging).

Anything else you’d like us to know?: I am excited to share Cloud Sangha with you! If you would like to experience mindfulness with an online community, please take advantage of our free 30-day trial to see what it is all about.

And here’s a bit more about how I ended up at Cloud Sangha..
I meditated for the first time about 12 years ago when I was doing cognitive based therapy for my anxiety. It was so hard! But there was something I felt and found that I had never experienced before. This curiosity lingered for many years and I had many explorations of ways I could cultivate peace and ease in my mind, body, and heart.
After a few years of reading books and doing self-help and self-development workshops and seminars, I came across mindfulness. In 2016, I embarked on a blind journey into mindfulness studies at Lesley University. On that path, I discovered many things, developed a strong meditation practice, and made huge steps into knowing myself and learning how to manage the ups and downs of life and life itself.
Earlier this year, a colleague recommended a certification program at Cloud Sangha. I signed up without hesitation because I was going to have the ability to learn from Jack Kornfield, Tara Brach, and many diverse expert teachers. I loved that experience so much that I decided to apply for a job at Cloud Sangha, and it just happened to be the right timing because they needed someone with my corporate and mindfulness background đŸ™‚