Bettina Will-Sterr

Name: Bettina Will-Sterr

Lives in: I live in Paros, Cycladic Islands, Greece

From: I was born in Leverkusen, Germany. I grew up there for the first 11 years, then we moved to Munich, Bavaria, Germany for 6 years, and then back to Leverkusen. I started to study at the University of Cologne and after half, I changed to Freiburg/Breisgau, Germany. My studies were in History, French, and political sciences.

Occupation: I am a dance teacher for International Ballroom and International Latin as well as Salsa Cubana. Also, I am an instructor for Pilates gymnastics and fascia fitness. Last but not least, I have 4 Zumba licenses.

Tell us your first three jobs (ever!): My first three jobs were all while I was studying at university. First, I had a holiday job in a Data Center for a big company while studying. Then I worked in service in a restaurant. Any finally, I sold footballs by telephone. Then I became a dance teacher, which is what I still am today.  🙂

Zodiac sign: Scorpio

What do you love about Greece? I love the atmosphere, the friendliness, and the hospitality of the people. From my experience, people in general are open-minded. Also, I think, that the good weather influences the character as well, easier than in Germany, people smile at you and you get easier contact with them.

In one word I would say, that in Greece, people work to live and in Germany, people live to work. This makes also a big difference in daily life. Of course, the weather is wonderful, even when it is windy and stormy in winter-times, but the more important things are the personal ones.

Tell us something most people don’t know about you: I am a bit shy.

Where we are most likely to find you in Lynn’s community:
At the yoga retreat in Paros!

First time you tried Kundalini Yoga?  This year at the yoga retreat in Paros. I dropped into one of the classes.  🙂

Tell us your top tip to combat climate change: Everybody should start with small things in his private environment, then things can spread out.

Anything else you’d like us to know?: I am always open to come to know new people and things. If you’d like, drop me a line or come to one of my dance classes in Paros!