Andreas Theofanous

Name: Andreas Theofanous

Lives in: Ikaria, Greece

From: I was born and raised in Athens.

Occupation: I am a boxing trainer.

Tell us your first three jobs (ever!):
My first job was as a seller in my family’s electric supplies business.
Then I was an assistant boxing coach in two gyms.
When I moved to Ikaria from Athens I worked in a vineyard.

Zodiac sign: Leo

Enneagram type: Type 2 (the Helper) with a Type 3 wing

What do you love about Greece? My favorite place in Greece is Ikaria, where I live. The pace of life is relaxed, and everyone lives at their own tempo. We are close to nature because we have both the sea and the mountains. It’s a small community so I can be with close friends and also have the space to find my inner peace.

Tell us something most people don’t know about you: I play the the bouzouki, a traditional Greek instrument. I also love to draw.

Where we are most likely to find you in Lynn’s community? Offering the community boxing classes in Ikaria!

First time you tried Kundalini Yoga? I haven’t tried Kundalini Yoga but I’m excited to.

Tell us your top tip to combat climate change: Don’t buy things you don’t really need!

Anything else you’d like us to know? My mission is to spread my knowledge of boxing to help people feel healthy, strong, and confident. More than just fitness, it’s important to me to teach people the right techniques so they learn and respect the sport. Contact me  at +30 6981689419 (WhatsApp) to schedule a boxing lesson! I would love to share my knowledge with you. ❤️