Insight into all 45 Enneagram Type Combinations and Their Compatibility
This Enneagram Compatibility Chart provides insights into the relationships between all 45 type combinations. For each Enneagram type combination, learn what a relationship looks like when it is in balance and when it starts to spiral downward.
Click on each type combination in the Enneagram Compatibility Chart below to learn more.
Mobile users click here for a vertical list of type combinations.
Perfectionist (1) |
1:1 |
1:2 |
1:3 |
1:4 |
1:5 |
1:6 |
1:7 |
1:8 |
1:9 |
Helper (2) |
2:1 |
2:2 |
2:3 |
2:4 |
2:5 |
2:6 |
2:7 |
2:8 |
2:9 |
Achiever (3) |
3:1 |
3:2 |
3:3 |
3:4 |
3:5 |
3:6 |
3:7 |
3:8 |
3:9 |
Individualist (4) |
4:1 |
4:2 |
4:3 |
4:4 |
4:5 |
4:6 |
4:7 |
4:8 |
4:9 |
Investigator (5) |
5:1 |
5:2 |
5:3 |
5:4 |
5:5 |
5:6 |
5:7 |
5:8 |
5:9 |
Loyalist (6) |
6:1 |
6:2 |
6:3 |
6:4 |
6:5 |
6:6 |
6:7 |
6:8 |
6:9 |
Enthusiast (7) |
7:1 |
7:2 |
7:3 |
7:4 |
7:5 |
7:6 |
7:7 |
7:8 |
7:9 |
Leader (8) |
8:1 |
8:2 |
8:3 |
8:4 |
8:5 |
8:6 |
8:7 |
8:8 |
8:9 |
Peacemaker (9) |
9:1 |
9:2 |
9:3 |
9:4 |
9:5 |
9:6 |
9:7 |
9:8 |
9:9 |
Learn more about the Enneagram in Relationships
Enneagram knowledge can be transformative in improving your relationships and an important tool in cultivating compassion, both towards yourself and others. Understanding the Enneagram type of your partner can help identify the root cause of misunderstandings and miscommunication. The Enneagram offers a powerful tool for insight and a non-personal way to discuss differences.
In my book, The Nine Keys: A Guide Book to Unlock Your Relationships Using Kundalini Yoga and the Enneagram” I explore intimate relationships through the lens of the Enneagram. In this book, I interviewed over 100 couples spanning all 45 type combinations to hear directly about their relationship strengths and challenges from an Enneagram perspective. Their testimonials are included in the book.
The book includes the theory of relationship type compatibility. In the last part of the book, I include Kundalini Yoga kriyas and meditations for the various Enneagram types. Applying the somatic tools of Kundalini Yoga to your Enneagram knowledge is an effective way to accelerate growth. Learn more about why you need to get out of your head and into your body to get the most out of the Enneagram.